Monday, May 13, 2019

Happy Mother's Day?

Mother's Day was strange this year - my first year with an official empty nest and only a few months after Lynn's precipitous departure. Really I just spent most of the day by myself. I did have a brief morning visit from my bio son with at least a verbal acknowledgement before he headed off to spend the day fishing with his father. My oldest popped over in the afternoon to deliver a thoughtful gift and although I didn't hear at all from Cheyann  I did get a short Facebook message from Lynn with a Happy Mother's Day - I love and miss you.  I tried to take my own mom out to lunch but she had prior plans - so we took a raincheck.  All of those things do count for something...It just felt anti-climactic and diluted. I think I need to reframe Mother's Day for myself so as to not fall into the trap of expecting things that won't really happen. Next year....