Friday, April 19, 2013

Messed-up Parenting

I got a call from Cheyanne's caseworker last night. She had noticed some new cuts and thought they were bleeding. That prompted a call from the agency's crisis worker and then again this morning from the case manager. I guess we were at a different agency the last time she amped up... because I don't remember quite so much attention the last time around. I followed the protocol we have set up with the therapists who work work with and have worked with her.. We didn't pay a whole lot of attention to it. Asked the school nurse to check the cuts for infection (which C refused this time around.. a whole new twist..).. but really just kept going about our day and tried to dial up the positive supports and connections. Such a good example of how something that would have greatly concerned, even scared me, if it had happened earlier in my career of parenting truamatized children now barely even registers on the "worried-o-meter"   Is there something wrong with me that the fact that one of my children collects and hoards pieces of glass and other sharp object with which to carve scarlet ribbons in their skin doesn't even really bother me anymore? Wow. Thank goodness for her therapist who reassures me that not only am I ok, but she is grateful for my level response. She will let me know if I need to become 'less numb'. Hm.. Also a perfect example of how messed-up parenting these children can look to the 'outside world'. It really is a completely new game.

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