Friday, December 16, 2016

Peanut Butter and Jelly

Sometimes you just have to find the humor before the difficulties just completely overwhelm you.!

Lynn is currently really struggling with stealing. Last week she was caught with an Ipod and a pair of pants she took from a peer. As part of her consequences she was asked to write a letter of apology to the peer she stole from. In the letter she attempted to explain why she had chosen to steal the items and stated that she was “jelly”, (which if you don't know is teen-speak right now for jealous.)  I was feeling particularly sensitive and vulnerable this time around, probably because this situation was the third or fourth serious breach of the week, and involved colleagues of mine, so I was not feeling terribly open to hearing her ‘excuses’,  and could actually feel myself getting pulled into a depression instead. My husband, maybe reading my mood, or maybe just being his sarcastic self, after being given the interpretation of the word jelly just looked at me stone-faced and said – “maybe she’d like some peanut butter to go with that jelly. It might even help her fingers to be stickier…”. The belly laugh that it evoked it me was much needed and helped me regain perspective. I'm sure there are those who will say that it is insensitive of me to laugh when she is trying to express her feelings, and maybe it is, but the laughter was so needed.

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